Friday, June 10, 2011

This will be a different kind of blog -- totally about wildflowers. Beginning in early to mid-May, wildflowers begin to appear and we enjoy finding and identifying them -- mostly just trying to remember their names, which is a good exercise for those our age, so this is a blog to share with you some of the flowers that we have experienced this year. We hope you enjoy them.

One of the first wildflowers to appear is the White Large-flowered Trillium (shown several blogs ago) and it's first cousin, the Pink Large-flowered Trillium (shown here), followed by the Wild Columbine, Fringed Polygala & Starflower, Wild Lily-of-the-Valley and Silverweed.

Continuing on -- Canada Anemone, Smooth Sowthistle, and the very beautiful but scarce, Wild Iris. And now the Lady Slippers are waking up and are liberally sprinkled along the roadsides. Ours at the cabin are slower, but they're beginning to show up.

The last picture is of the Old Ferry Dock Road. It and the Channel Road and our rocky beach are our prime spots for wildflowering.

What to look forward to: the White or Pink Lady Slipper should be here in several days. Hopefully, it will be on the next blog.

And a final note: while looking for flowers several days ago we spotted a Bald Eagle circling overhead. Exciting!