Friday, September 3, 2010

Friday, Sept. 3, 2010

The Flower of the Day is the Harebell. It was featured on an earlier blog, but it's a beautiful flower and I couldn't resist featuring it again. It comes early, around the end of June, and stays late. It's still with us.

It rained last night, but we woke to a sunny day with Detour shinning from across the water. And while we were enjoying Detour, the lake ship, Ojibway, came by heading to the locks at the Soo and then on into Lake Superior.

The weather is changing. We will probably have some more warm days, but today we have a brisk breeze -- the flag stands straight out,and there is a chill in the air. Yesterday we were in Detour to have lunch with Julianne Hull and later I visited with Chad Norton at The Garage. He said that a cloud of Monarchs had just come through Detour on their way to St. Ignace where the water is narrow and where they will wait for a south wind to carry them to the Lower Peninsula. And we have already noticed birds on their way south. So change is happening, and in about a month and a half, Sandra and I will look for a south wind and begin our migration back to Missouri.

A little more about Julianne. Her husband, Bob, pilots ocean vessels when they are on the Great Lakes. All ocean vessels must have a Canadian or American pilot when they are on the lakes. Bob and Julianne are Canadians and are in Detour several times during the summer and attend St. Stephen's when they are here, and they are friends.

Sandra and I thank God for the friends that we have been blessed with including you who are reading this, and we pray that all goes well with you.

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