Tuesday, January 11, 2011

There is no Flower of the Day on this blog; however, there is a "thing" of the day that Sandra and I spotted this morning on our way to her cataract surgery. Reliable sources say that it was sculpted by several very wise college girls. Enjoy!

Birds are wonderful, especially in the snow, and especially the Cardinals in the snow. In addition to the Cardinals, we also have Chickadees, Nuthatch, Red-Bellied Woodpeckers, Titmice, Blue Jays, Juncos and Sparrows of some variety. And we also have squirrels, and the birds and the squirrels seem to get along fairly well.

I know that snow is not much of a novelty at this time. Most of you have had your share and I hope that no one has had any major difficulties, but I felt compelled to blog so that I could not only share some of the birds with you, but especially the "thing".


  1. The thing reminds me of our pregnant snow-lady outside Beverly's Tennessee house apartment.
