Tuesday, July 5, 2011

I'm having trouble getting my pictures to come up in the right order, so you may have to some mental rearranging.
The Flower of the Day as promised in the last blog is the lovely Showy Lady's Slipper from the Orchid Family. We are so fortunate that she chose to grace us with her beauty this year and are already looking forward to her return next year.
Yesterday being the 4th of July, we went to the island 4th of July Parade. Our friends Candace and Jurgen (that's Jurgen with Sandra) and Pete and Sandy were with us. The parade was, of course, wonderful and well attended -- a major event and as you can see from the pictures, Americana at its best. The theme of the parade was "board games" and the parade began (as most do) with fire engines and ended (as most also do) with horses. After the parade we found a picnic table in the shade and enjoyed brats and strawberry shortcake and the company of each other. For you who remember them in Warrensburg, that is Sandra and Pete Buley in the picnic table picture.
We ended the day at our place with Italian sausage, potato salad and a brownie dessert, followed by fireworks from across the water at Detour. It was a most wonderful day. Hope yours was too.

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